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You’re one step closer to becoming a part of the game.

What is light matrix?

Activity breakdown

Light matrix

Light Matrix Features


Light matrix pricing

Monday – Sunday

Min 2 Players



$17.65 Per person

Less than 4 people in a group




$14.65 Per person

More than 4 people in a group

Want more bang for your buck?

All in one package


What you’ll get:

Min 2 people


$39.95 Per person


Book your Light Matrix Session and upgrade to the All-In-One Package at check-in by letting our staff know.

Parties, events & others


our players have to be minimum 8 years old to play!

Our Venue do not serve any alcohol, hence people under the age of 18 are allowed anytime during our opening hours!

While we highly recommend booking your session in advance to secure your spot, walk-ins are welcome! Please note, walk-ins may experience a waiting time if all spots are currently booked.

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